Leadership Positioning and Executive Coaching

Today’s leaders and executives can no longer be invisible in an interconnected world. More importantly, they can no longer appear to be “staged” in the face of a new generation that can see through artificial personalities. They need to be authentic.

Our advisors have worked alongside C-suite executives, public officials, and other seniorfigures for nearly two decades. They offer bespoke counsel and provide training programs to empower your leadership team.

Leadership Positioning
Social Media Presence

Build and raise profiles of leaders and executives via the right mix of appropriate and relevant social media platforms, empowering leaders to take charge of their online presence with more authentic points of view.

Professional Networks

Go beyond conventional social media to shape leaders’ online reputations via targeted and specialised platforms that speak to their key stakeholders.

Thought Leadership

Sharing insights and knowledge with audiences conveys confidence and capability, but it is best achieved with a carefully calibrated mix of opinion-editorials, blog posts, guest editor roles, speaking opportunities, and other opportunities.

Executive Coaching
Media Engagement Training

Sharing the secrets of how to deal with journalists and interviews in a way that appears natural and relaxed, while ensuring that you maintain command and control of any engagement and can effectively convey your bold narrative and key messages.

Public Speaking and Presentation Coaching

In the age of the TED Talk and other short-form presentations, leaders are expected to speak to audiences as the human beings that they are. Lengthy speeches with flowery formalities are out; conversations with real-life anecdotes are in. We help you find your natural voice to tell your organisation’s story with empathy and determination.

Crisis Leadership

The old adage of “crisis management” has devolved to refer to lengthy manuals that sit on the proverbial shelf, often forgotten when a crisis actually occurs. The truth is that you cannot manage a crisis, but you can certainly lead your organisation out of it to safe harbour. Our methodology focuses on how to navigate realistic scenarios with your teams to minimize the impact and focus on rebuilding your reputation and regaining stakeholders’ confidence.

Organisational Leadership

For newly appointed leaders, the deluge of information and elevated expectations for critical decision-making can be overwhelming. From running management meetings and presenting to boards of directors, to communicating with investors and delegating to N-1 and N-2 leaders, we work closely with newly-initiated C-suite executives and departmental leaders to help them fulfill their roles and foster confidence from those who appointed them.